Stanford University

Stanford University was gracious enough to have the entire legal team and all the Plaintiffs that could join us to their university this week so that we could talk with the students, and professor, that have been proof reading and fact checking for the Bourke v. Beshear and Love v. Beshear cases that are to be heard on April 28, 2015 by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The students mostly heard and interacted with the clients and everyone enjoyed the experience. If anyone does not understand that these couples are examples of what everyone looks for in a partner, they just have to talk to the clients and their children. Every time I hear the stories of our clients relationships, I am moved to tears. From the basics of not being able to speak for your spouse of over 40 years in a hospital situation to the difference in the lives of the children that have found homes with the clients, you can’t not be moved by the stories and see what this is what a family looks like. No matter who one loves, you should be able to know that society values that relationship (of course, consenting adults etc).

I know that all of the attorneys in this case have been touched by the love we see in our clients and hope that the Supreme Court will do the right thing and recognize their relationships as valid, no matter what their gender.

Shannon Fauver


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